Won%27t Save File

Similar situation here, only in my case it is adding splits that disables the Save option in the File menu. If I try to trick it by closing the window and setting a name and location for the file when prompted, Quicktime goes through the progress bar as if it was saving, and in the end tells me that 'this operation could not be completed'. Jul 19, 2016 Hi, When I open a pdf that was scanned in horizontally and I use the 'Rotate' option to correct the file I then click file save as and resave it so it will open correctly to who I send it. Problem is even after it is saved even as a new file name it still opens horizontally.

  1. Adobe Acrobat Won't Save File
  2. Won 27t Save File Folders

Got this error, and they had the temerity to ask me if it was helpful. Pricks. Anyway. Could not save to new name. Could not save to external media. Could not save elsewhere on C:. In short, could not save.

Photoshop won

One bit of advice I have read is to wait till Word does an autosave, then kill Word using task manager. Then when Word is restarted it will give an option to rescue the file. Sounds dangerous to me. Waited but save did not come.


First thing I did was print to PDF with all track changes and everything visible so I would at least have a record of what the file looked like.

Then created a new blank file. Tested that it could be saved. Yes. And in the same folder as the original file. (I knew that should be OK since I printed to PDF into the same folder).

Went to file I wanted to rescue, with track changes visible and all comments visible. Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C
Went to new empty doc and pasted. Got text and comments but not the track changes information. Well, that is still useful as a backup.


Now, it should be possible to make a copy with track changes information.

Won%27t Save FileAcrobat

Another handy way to copy the text is to use the spike. Word users are so familiar with using the Clipboard to cut, copy, and paste information that we often forget about the spike. This is an area of Word that acts like a secondary Clipboard, with some significant differences. (You can learn more about the spike in other issues of WordTips or in Word’s online Help.) To use the spike to copy and paste text with Track Changes markings intact, follow these steps:

  1. In the source document, select the text you want to copy.
  2. Press Ctrl+F3. The text is cut from the document and placed on the spike. (If you wanted to copy, not cut, then immediately press Ctrl+Z to undo the cut. The selected text still remains on the spike.)
  3. In the target document, place the insertion point where you want the text inserted.
  4. Make sure that Track Changes is turned off in the target document.
  5. Press Shift+Ctrl+F3 to clear the spike and insert the spike’s text into your document.

So I went to source document ant hit Ctrl-A, then Ctrl-F3.

Opened blank with same template, track changes turned off (it is by default I think).


But does not save! The problems have come with it!

So that does not help.

Now, if I turn off track changes and accept all changes, I can save the document – so it is a bug somewhere in Word’s track changes code.
If the problem occurs again, can try the spike method with the different aspects of track changes turned on and off, to narrow it down.

So no satisfactory solution discovered. I do not know what change I put in that caused the issue, and it has never occurred before. So… I dunno. The above ideas are just partial solutions.

Alex Kemp
20302185959 http://etmg.altervista...

Hi All,

I know I'm asking a question that has already been answered / resolved, but I still can't figure it out. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I love LibreOffice but I cannot save any changes to my files.

The message is: Error Saving the Document. Write error. Error in writing the sub-document content.xml.

The bug began in a 6-7 page document that had lots of tables, and now it's spread to most any document I have, even short documents that have nothing but text. I tried installing the new 5.2 version but the error message persists about 85% of the time I try to save any changes to a document.

I've used the older version of LibreOffice for about the past 2 years with no problems and loved it. This issue cropped up about 3 months ago, that's when I tried installing the 5.2 . . .

Adobe Acrobat Won't Save File

Thanks in advance for any help!


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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by Alex Kemp
close date 2020-09-21 11:20:49.972742

Won 27t Save File Folders


Please try resetting the user profile, sometimes solves strange issues.https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/U...Usually it's enough renaming/deleting the file 'user/registrymodifications.xcu', it affects all the options in Menu/Tools/Options, and the files 'user/basic/dialog.xlc' and 'scrip.xlc' are overwritten, additionally custom colors in 'user/config/standard.soc' are lost.

I can't even save a short memo. I'm just going to uninstall and reinstall. If this doesn't fix the problem, I am done with LivreOffice.